What is this VR Audio thing people are talking about.

  The big buzzword which has been growing in popularity at GDC the last few years has been the return of VR (Virtual Reality) with a smaller subset AR (Augmented Reality). VR first appeared back in the 90’s as low resolution, slower response screens...

Mistakes – are meant to be!

Mistakes are there for a reason – to deviate you from the expected – and to teach you something. Many people think that they have to be perfect in everything they do, but you need to make a lot of mistakes to learn that perfection. So mistakes are not a...

About Audio Middleware

  So you’ve seen this term “audio middle-ware” flying around in conversations and possibly pondered these questions: What is audio middle-ware? Why do we need it? Why should I learn it? Which ones should I learn?   What is it? Audio...