WWise Hack – Converting existing SFX objects to Voice Objects

Updated (June 13th 2018)

This Hack was created to help audio implementers who imported their voice files as SFX rather then VOICE.

Using VOICE files allows you to change the source file based on language settings.

This Hack works for WWise 2015 For 2017+ you may need to use an alternate Step 06.


Here’s a quick hack to change your SFX objects to VOICE objects.

Hopefully you’ve put all these into their own work unit and haven’t mixed voices and sfx together.


Step 01:

You can see there’s 2 types of audio objects here:

vo_princess_talk_01 – SFX

vo_princess_talk_02 – VOICE

We want to make all SFX to VOICE…


Step 02:

Make a new work unit.

Call it something (without SFX in the title – this is important) – perhaps TO_VOICE



Step 03:

Drag your objects you want to convert to VOICE into the work unit.


Step 04:

Right click the new work unit -> Open Containing Folder


Step 05:

Drag the new work unit file TO_VOICE.wwu into a text editor. I use Notepad++



Step 06: (This will not work for WWise 2017+) 

Search and replace all strings SoundFX with Voice



Step 07:

Search and replace all strings SFX with English (US)

You can use a different language name for your native language.


Step 08:

SAVE and Return to WWISE – now the audio file will show up as red : not found.



Step 09:

Drag all your original source files back onto the work unit root.

Import Mode: Replace audio Files

Import as Sound Voice

Note: You can also move all your source files under the wwise structure from the Originals/SFX/ folder to Originals/English (US)/ as well.

If you are using source control it may be a little messy.


Step 10:

Now the audio object is blue 🙂 ready to be converted again.


Step 11:

Delete your temp work unit!